Meditative Inquiry
Holistic engagement that brings together our bodies, minds, hearts, and beings in the process of teaching, learning, researching, creating, and living.
Meditative inquiry is an art of becoming aware
an existential process of asking deep questions about life and our place in it
Meditative inquiry is a holistic way of connecting with oneself
a way to deepen awareness of one’s actions, thoughts, and emotions
Meditative inquiry teaches us the art of listening and conversation
an invitation to listen to and learn from life within and around us
Meditative inquiry inculcates the art of looking and learning
an attentive observation of our actions, thoughts, and feelings and our interaction with nature and people
Meditative inquiry digs into the roots of our deep-seated conflicts
a process that allows access into the subconscious and unconscious layers of the mind
Meditative inquiry helps us become aware of our fears and insecurities
an awareness of the way fears and insecurities cause greed, accumulation, and disparity
Meditative inquiry breaks down rigid psychological structures and blockages
an intense movement that unleashes our creative, aesthetic, and imaginative capacities
Meditative inquiry flourishes in and brings about a sense of freedom
a celebration of freedom as the highest principle of teaching, learning, and living
Meditative inquiry transforms the very core of our being
a subtle yet powerful experience that changes our inward existence organically
Meditative inquiry promotes social justice and social transformation
an intelligent sensitivity that frees the mind of discriminatory tendencies and behaviours
Meditative inquiry acknowledges that life is whole and undivided
a recognition that life at its very core is one, which manifests itself in diverse ways
Meditative inquiry connects us to nature and people at an existential level
an aesthetic and spiritual experience of the wholeness
Kumar, A. (2022). Introduction. Engaging with Meditative Inquiry in Teaching Learning and Research: Realizing Transformative Potentials in Diverse Contexts (pp. xix-xxi). Routledge.

Meditative inquiry reveals self-centred and comparative tendencies within us
a deep exploration of the way the Ego functions in explicit and subtle ways
Meditative inquiry uncovers layers of divisive conditionings that colour our perception
a capacity that frees the mind to look and the heart to listen without judgments and barriers
Meditative inquiry explores the root of conflicts in relationships between people and groups
a profound insight into how hatred, discrimination, and violence pervade human existence